leadforensics Open Plan Office Design Ideas Portfolio - Fusion

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    Open Plan Office Design

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      Open Plan Office Design

      A staple part of office design, open plan offices are an office design concept which started as a means of creating interaction and team structure, and to provide flexible space within an office interior.

      However open plan comes with a cost. Greater noise, lack of privacy and distraction are all aspects that must be handled with care and experience if an open plan office design concept is to work effectively.

      The style of an open plan office can play a major role in the internal standards of a business, the culture and style of management. The prize is greater team collaboration, as in many scenarios teamwork and communication is the key to successful performance.

      Office fit-out for open plan working achieves densities of up to 75 square foot per person (Building regulations permitting), although the typical figure is 110 square foot as an average across all our projects. Central London densities tend to be higher primarily to make best use of higher cost space.

      Open Plan M&E

      Recent projects which included a significant upgrade to M&E (heating, cooling, ventilation and power) have achieved occupation densities nearing 50 sq ft per person. High density open plan occupation needs a calculation of the capital costs set against the saved rent and rates before the decision can be financially justified.

      Open plan offices also have an advantage in terms of flexibility. Adapting the office layout to work for agile ways of working, task based design and changing technology is typical of modern working environments. Open plan is less of an impediment to change, making adaptation easier.

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