EDF Energy
Office design and fit out
Office design and fit out in London for Powerlink, a 25000 sq ft head office for a division of EDF, located in Southwark SE1. The London office design and fit-out project involved a fast-track design and build approach to get Powerlink relocated from offices in Waterloo and Victoria. Following an unexpected redevelopment proposal from a landlord Powerlink conducted a review of available buildings in the London SE1 area.
Test fit space plans helped make the decision for Southwark Bridge Road. Real-time office space-planning with the client evolved test fits into working layout drawings, and office fit out works commenced on a tight 10 week program. Specifications for the office design and fit out were fast-tracked to ensure the program could be delivered.
315 staff were accommodated in the building, resulting in an occupation density of approx 80 square feet per person. Carrying out office design and fit out in London often involves high levels of space efficiency for the layout, which in turn places demand on the building services. Thorough investigation of the base-build capabilities is very important to any fit out especially central London offices where space for additional HVAC plant, and planning consent restrictions, may be difficult to obtain.
A carpet design feature used inlaid borders to designate walkways, ensuring furniture doesn’t encroach on fire escape walkway widths.
The relocation of staff involved 3 buildings in central London. Office furniture was a mix of new and existing. During the move 70 tall storage cabinets were installed via a 3rd storey window, using a truck mounted HIAB crane, to overcome access issues and speed-up the relocation process.
The Office Design and Fit Out In Numbers
The total spend was £755,000 equating to £3400 per person or an office fit out cost of £30 per square foot (£320 per square metre). Initially the occupation density was 114 square foot per head. At capacity the office will hold 315 at a ratio of 80 sq ft per person.