Across a large office, or multiple office sites, the ability to understand which Team makes use of shared facilities, how Teams interact, and how often a room or location is visited, is obscure. And yet investment in breakout zones, meeting rooms, copy and print facilities, and the adjacencies within the organisation, is based on a perceived requirement for proximity and traffic.
Space plans are built upon assumptions and wish lists without ever having data to inform and guide.
Design Data is an automated survey system that uses real data to create better offices for users, based on actual needs.
Design Data can record representative staff to identify the usage of shared facilities, the physical interface with other teams or departments, and the duration of time spent in an area. This real world data is collected in a manner that does not influence the people in their activity…a real problem with observation methods.
In addition to better space planning and targeted investment in facilities that are really needed, Design Data can give information that can provide a more sophisticated basis for building management systems…a money saving spin off with the greenest intentions.
Design Data is a simple installation designed to collect information over a 2-4 week period with a wireless connection….all we need is a wireless infrastructure and some power sockets.
Raw data can be presented in a pre set format, or to a format of your design. Design Data can also provide a powerful review of before and after occupation activity so that investment decisions can be validated….what can be measured can be improved as Alfred Sloan once said.