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    5 Signs Your Office Needs Updating

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      Does Your Office Need A Redesign?

      Over time every office space needs an update. A refreshed office space will not only impress potential clients and current ones but it can boost productivity and overall office wellness. Understanding when it’s time for a refresh can be difficult and sometime small changes will suffice.

      By better understanding your office and the signs to look out for, you can make a more informed decision over whether your office needs a new fit out. Here at Fusion Office Design, we have put together the 5 signs your office needs updating.

      1. Moving Office

      Nice and simple is when you’re relocating your office. If you’re moving then it’s the perfect time to ensure that your office now meets your exact requirements. Considering everything from space to how people are going to work, will ensure you new offices success.

      If you move from one office to the next and nothing changes, then all you’re going to do is suffer the same headaches over and over again. Working with a designer to create the right environment will ensure the office work both for you and your employees.

      2. Out Of Date Look

      Beige walls, long wooden desks, well we don’t need to say anymore. Your office is stick in the 90’s and trust us you’ll be giving that impression to your clients and potential employees as well. If you also think it’s outdated, then it’s definitely time for a refresh.

      Whilst office space can come at a premium, it doesn’t all have to be about how many people can you fit into a space. Clever designs combined with flexible furniture will means you can keep a fresh new look without, whilst ensuring the office still works for you.

      3. Cultural Shifts

      Over time offices change and so do the people in them, this means you could see a radical culture shift. Whether you’re wanting to develop and push your brand or you want to give your employees a boost, then it could be time to refresh your office space.

      Having an adaptive office space means you can easily suit a changing culture. From open plan areas to collaborative furniture or even games rooms, if your office is stuck in an office and meeting room time warp, then you need to shift the culture now before it’s too late.

      4. Outgrown

      All businesses aspire to grow and your office can quickly fill up. However you need to balance between whether you’re not making the most of the space available to whether you have well and truly outgrown your office space.

      If it’s a case of outgrowing your space because of port design, then it’s definitely time for redesign. Using a mixture of adaptive furniture, means your office space can de every changing around your team and the needs of the office.


      Do you ever look at your office and think no one ever uses a particular space? Or why doesn’t that are work how it should? Then you’re suffering from underutilisation. This is because people just aren’t using it, it falls down to the space not working as it should be.

      A well designed office space will take into account all parts of the office and the best ways to use them. If an office is being used from all aspects then it will feel much more utilised and you’ll probably find you office feels less cramped too. Give our team a call today. 

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